Friday, November 20, 2009

well then

okay i just have to like mention this my wrist is like really hurting right now and i don't even know why like how crazy is that well besides its hurts and feels like weird maybe i should see someone about that because if i don't well i don't know lol and man neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeww mooooooooooooooooooooooooon how awesome is that okay i know you know that i know that i am that you are that i am very excited about this cause i really am :D and well yeah lol i wonder what would happen if i lose it right now and right here well i think some phenominal things would like happen because why wouldn't they i never lose it at all and man im like craving some greasy food and a roller coaster at the moment to bad only one of theses things can come true :( man i want to be on some super awesome super droppy super spinny super everything coaster so yeahhhhhh and yeahhhh well NEW MOON and roller coasters and you know that i know that she knew that he said thats what she said what she wrote to what he typed that circles and stars and mario are all around us and ZELDA!!!!!!!

new moonnnn woooooooooo

okay yes i know having another post about new moon is like crazy but then again i am crazy lol now you may wonder what team i go for well i will admit the whole vampire thing is pretty awesome but then the whole hotness of taylor lautner is also pretty damn hot and man last night i saw the one new trailer on tv and i was like jumping up and down going like crazy and man his shirtlessness is like WOW man can't even imagine what things are going through my mind at the time i also have to say i think robert patinson is lik waayyy hotter in harry potter and the goblet of fire then he is in twilight but whatever he is still a hot guy right :) and man i think i will lose it today with the whole food eating contest at the mandarin and then theres new moon man today is gonna be a great day i hope lol and well yeah man i wish i could think of stuff to make this longer but alas im running a blank man i wonder what people would say or think if i were to like run around the library like a crazy women right now hmmmmm i wonder but i don't think i will test that theory out today lol or maybe i will who knows well except me lol

Thursday, November 19, 2009

music = my life :)

okay music i love you with i passion okay just don't ditch me okay because i will cry with out you and okay i really have a craving for foopd right now but yeah lol and also a big craviing for roller coasters somehitn i caouls do like allllll day and you just watch me and okay my stories also known as my whack out of line stories are on there way so yeahhhh just give me a few days to post them and wel;ll yeahh lol man im crazy and now i must go so yeah more to come tomorrow about newww moon and other strange stuff


okay i ahev music again whish is good and its reall weird and not making me giddy drunk so i m,ust be sobering up and man i lourve the song replay and love drunk and like tik tok so give those songs a shout and a listen m,an i would really love to be harry potter becauses hes cool and man you should also check out potter puppuet pals on youtube because its sick and rightoues and yeah i really wonder what it would be like to just go see new mokn right now wait im already seeing it hahahah get the koke lol

i really wonder

i think i have really lost it to the point of no return and man i really wonder what it would be like to be zoey redbird and v=be the very awesome vampyre she is :) or even better yet anne of green gables cause then i could have gilbet which = awesomenessss alright man you just gotta love me and man i love legacy off of so you think you can hes like so hot and well dancy and hesssss my heroo right now man that show is da bomb and noone can say otherwise now can the pasa double thing with legacy and his partner was like the most awesome and hottest thing ever and aggggghhhhhhhh the music ended :'( so yeahz lol

i must be boredd

this music is still making me giddy that i might just want to shake it oh yeah!! lol man im physco and not even spelliung right so i muct m=be drunk off the music lol and you wanna know haw that feels it feels weird and yet aweomse and me wanting to like bounce off a wall and yet agoain no sugar in me ma so pumped for mew moon and that contest tomorrow and i hate spelliung the mord tomorrow bacues yerha and again with the speloiin glol hahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaahha nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww mmmmmmmmmmmoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn yeahhhhhhhh woooopoo hoooooooooooooooo
wow lol i must have lost it lol

yet again

man you gotta love my frequent blogging lol because i sure do and my music is back and sounding really whack lmao wow how crazy is that and i can't help but not laugh lmao wow i feel so giddy right now and man new moon how awesome is that DANCE DANCE DANCE WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO wow i feel like super duper crazy for my no reading night the thing is i haven't had any sugar i thin its just the music that went so slow and country and western on me but i like it wow again with the giddiness where am i to go with that kind of attitude weel i think everywhere is for sure and please be wraned im not drunk or intoxicated im just drunk off the music lol and NEW MOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wow again im crazyyyyyyyyyyyyy lol well yeh lol

so boredd

okay seeing as when boredom arises when i refind my blog i have to blog like lots which i will and then i don't for like a month lol soooo what to talk about ........................................ well the fact its almost christmas is pretty cool i guess and then theres semi something i just might not go to because i would rather save the money for prom :D and then theres new moon so super excited but then again you already knew that and anyways im about to post some sites worth visiting :)

okay i guess thats it for now wow i feel so dumb i say i have many websites worth visiting and i only give one lmao how weird am i besides like really really weird lol man i wonder if may 27th could get here any faster because who thought an obsession over a book could be this bad lmao well this is thhe end if this because i need to find some more techno music lmao

the long needed camping recap i forgot

okay this is gonna be majorly short because of course i forgot all about it lol well i guess it was a fun cold weekend my friends left me in my tent alone while they were in the guys tent but whatever and i also got my pants pulled down by accident lol playing the game prom night or something which is a vastly confusing game to explain and i also got to see a kid duck taped to a tree which was funny lol i also got to see a huge marshmallow fight too it is one weekend i will not forget like everrrrrrrrrrrr and yeah sorry this should be long but alas it isn't because that trip happned like a month or two ago so yeah lol well anyways new moooooooon tomorrow sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo excited :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

continue of last post

sorry about that i got kicked of because there was a class booked in the library and im on spare aand well yeah lol anyways like i was saying i started a new book series which is the house of night whish i can easily say im totally addicted and obsessed about incase you don't know what im talking about the books are marked, betreyed, chosen, untamed, hunted and tempted and burned comes out may 27th which i totally can't wait for :D and well yeah lol now this series is like a big grip from the first page in book 1 to the last page of tempted and there are going to be 12 books out in this series which is pretty cool i really love it and my character crush or my ficticious boyfriend would be stark who isn't introduce until the third or fourth book this is one series i would reccommend and its about vampyres but its nothing like twilight at all but yeah i really like it alot well anyways woooooooooooooooo new moon is in like less then 24 hours for my first viewing and on monday i will write an awesome review of the movie so watch out lol and currently music and dance and well excercise are back in my life so i can lose the weight my friends say i don't need to lose lmao but whatever im not super skinny just yeah lol my guy trouble has been alright but could be better and yes yet again i have turned guys down (N) :( i really need to learn to let my social beast out like i do on here and i will i also figured out what university im gonna go to but i won';t say it on here just yet and back to my guy issues well i think i decided to not bother with a relationship until university and just worry about my grades and getting a job and getting into university and all that essay work whish you gotta love which i don't because i hat doing essays with a very big passion and well i have english next semester and well you know im kinda screwed because the teacher is like really hard and then apparently she scares us grade 12's with getting good marks which is crazy and well something i have to handle but i don't know if i can but yes i know my social attitude needs to vastly improve like my vocab has and my reading and stuff has like really if i spent as much time going out there doing stuff like i am on the computer i would probably have like tons of friends and maybe even the boyfriend i have never had well i don;t know all i do know is that im working on it very hard even though im very much procrastinating on it as most people don't lol maybe i should be all cool and just not care what others think like really the only problem i hvae is knowing what to do whish is something i really wish i knew so if you know anything please tell me :) and i know fictional boyfriends do not count and yes i also know this post is super confusing but bear with me lol now i think im just gonna go ahead and do something crazy and unlike me and besides whats it gonna matter it will koin the vast high school memories i do have and stuff and well its my last year so what are people to really care what i do cause i don;t think i do like really why do i think the world revolves around my social status when in reality i haven't done anything to improve or affect it at all so why am i complaining when this time next year it will be a whole new ball game and really now you may wonder where i get all of this when i say i know nothing i guess i say that to get out of doing stuff but for once in my life im not gonna do that at all for once im gonna be someone who isn't me and make very many new friends and maybe a boyfriend but the only thing i have to make sure of is that i don't chicken out of it this time because if i do im gonna be antisocial something i would really hat being and stuff like really the word anti-socaqil just depresses me and makes me think how i will be like in the future like really im a very independent person as it is and maybe sometimes dependent and what would i do when things get rough and to hard for me to handle who would i be able to turn to besides myself but thats the freaky reality i would hat to face right now like really i would probably go into a much worse depression then i am in now not that i am in one really bad because im usually happy when it comes to the friends i have and school and it always brings a smile to my face but if i don't do this now how will i be remembered at my school the day i graduate this year and thats one day i probably will cry because its the end of living in a cage and finally going out there in the big world and i really don't know if i could really handle but something makes me think i can because i just really want to leave my hometown and go do bigger and better things but the only thing i seem to be missing is the encouragement to do all this so for once im gonna encourage myself to do everything i said i would but didn't and i hope that makes things so much better and till my next post tata for now :)

New Moon :D

well its been a while since my last post on here so lets make it worth it and im sorry that i haven't blogged in a while its just i have been busy and i know your gonna say but your posts are the most interesting and funny and suspensefull and all that other stuff but yeah lol i don't know what peoples opinion on my blog is but it would be cool to know and well yeah well anyways on to my topic which is New Moon yes i know your gonna say im a twilighter and well i am but anyways this friday aka tomorrow im going to see New Moon and it will be awesome and then afterwords im going to the mandarin where im partaking in a food eating contest there and the plate stand thing or something so that will be awesome for sure :) and then on saturday im going to go see new moon again but this time instead of going with my schools book club im going with my totally awesome cousin :) and man new moon times 2 can't get any better and man i think im about to get kicked off a computer right now so i will finish this fast lol well i also started reading the house of night series and man im totally addicted to it and well yeah well i think im getting kicked off so this sucks so yeah